From Corporate Executive Level to Small Businesses - Receive International On-Site Training At Your Level To Empower You to Take Control of Your Marketing
We’ll come on-site to help train and collaborate with staff on any of the below topics to help you implement proven marketing techniques and get you on track to meeting your goals. Don’t see what you need help on? Just contact us, and we can put together a custom training for what you need.

If you’re not getting the results you’re expecting, sometimes there can be a breakdown in communication or interactions with your customers. This can include anything from phrasing sending the wrong message, to a non-intuitive checkout process, to an ad that isn’t consistent with your brand messaging. Wording is important! We can look through your customer-facing interactions and work with you to tweak messaging and processes that resonate with your base.
Sometimes we get busy and can’t seem to get ahead of just reacting to what comes at us constantly. We can help you take back control by coming up with protocols and processes that help you get organized and refocused.
The social media platforms are constantly changing how you can interact with potential customers with different types of posts, as well as regulations on how business pages can get their content out to their following. It’s hard to keep up with multiple, constantly evolving platforms. Whether you’re looking to ramp up your social media efforts or just getting your business pages started, we can help guide you through what’s currently most effective and best practices on the various platforms.
Certain platforms are suited best for certain types of content. There’s a never ending circle of your established following engaging with your media to spread your post, new people interacting with the post, and converting them to your established following. Engagement is the top goal in social media. We can help your staff develop an engaging social media strategy, guide which types of content to place where, and plan an implementation schedule.
Knowing your ideal audience and how to reach them involves a bit of research. Targeting is a key way to ensure you’re spending your marketing budget wisely to place your information in front of the right people at the right time. We can help you develop user personas on key people that you would like as customers, and then find those people in real life and how to get information about your products and services to them.
Planning your organization’s growth is exciting! Let your marketing keep you on-track with your growth and do the heavy lifting. Sometimes it’s a little overwhelming knowing where to start. We’ll help you break down these goals into milestones with direct action items to implement along the way.
Looking for a way to breathe some new life in the marketing elements you’ve been running for a while? We can sit down with you and go over trending strategies, tools, and creative collateral and which might be appropriate for what you’re wanting to implement.
If you’re getting some negative reviews, don’t fret! We can help you develop ways to counteract the negative and implement ways to encourage customers that stand behind your products and brand to leave positive reviews.
Measuring whether or not your marketing efforts are working can be an endless sea of accounts, dashboards, tracking codes, and a lot of information you don’t really need to know. We can help you determine what information is important to you for tracking ROI, engagement, website analytics, referrals, demographic data, etc and help you set the processes up, and teach you how to read them.
For small businesses just starting out or just starting to think about marketing needs, it’s hard to figure out where to start in the sea of endless services and potential ways to spend your marketing budget. You don’t need a huge marketing budget to get started, in fact, there are many low cost or free services you can use. We can sit down with you to determine what’s important for the next two years, and delve even deeper to what you can do within the next 6 months to get you headed towards successfully hitting those goals, while sticking to your budget, and staff or time constraints.
Targeted campaigns are run in conjunction to your normal day-to-day marketing efforts. The purpose to a campaign is to really focus on specific goals and dedicate content and resources to reach them. They usually run 6-12 months, and the planning portion is the most important and time-consuming part. It doesn’t need to be overwhelming though. We can help your team figure out the details of the who, how, what, and where, so all you have left to do is follow a schedule for a seamless implementation. Continue scrolling for information on prepackaged 2-day workshop around targeted campaign planning.
Content marketing is all about sharing soft-selling and educational content with your customer base to become a trusted source of information which in turn converts these readers into loyal customers. If done right and consistently enough, it can create a snowball effect exponentially increasing your reach and audience. We can help you come up with a strategy and determine what types of content you should publish for your industry. Continue scrolling for information on prepackaged 1-Day workshop around content marketing.

Prepackaged Workshops at a Set Price
Keeping your marketing efforts on point and on budget can be an incredibly challenging task in the real world. With our tailored targeted campaign workshop, we’ll come on-site to help walk you through the process of identifying the market you’re targeting and the guidance you’ll need to build an in-depth campaign that works for you.
Expert Guidance
- Business owners and management teams wanting help to collaborate a marketing direction
- Marketing teams to organize marketing efforts and be able to apply principles to build future campaigns
- Businesses with little marketing in place to help get them going in an organized, concise manner
- Management wanting to learn how to identify growth opportunities and segment customers
- Implement a clear schedule where every action has a purpose
- Gain confidence to self-reliantly create future campaigns
- Ability to apply campaign strategy throughout business
- Switch from reactive marketing to proactive marketing
- Measurable growth
Before the workshop we’ll go over some details about your business, goals of the workshop, and some details you’ll need to gather before your workshop.
Day 1
- Current snapshot of business, current marketing efforts, and strengths/weaknesses
- Identify goals of business development and revenue streams for the next 5 years
- Choose a focus area to build a 6-12 month campaign around and identify 5 goals to accomplish
- Determine any pain points/problems within focus area and how you can offer a solution to those
- Identify targeted audience and where they get their information, as well as both direct and indirect competition and what they are doing
- Segment customers into different groups
Day 2
- Decide what message and theme you’ll be delivering for your campaign
- Based on the message, we’ll then be figuring out what types of content will be needed and in what mediums you’ll be delivering it in within a set budget
- Discuss how to measure the analytics to gage the effectiveness of campaign elements
- Spend the remainder of the day building out the framework of your plan. This will be where you decide what the deadlines are, which staff you’ll involve, and who needs to provide certain elements by when
After the Workshop
You’ll receive an outline of what we covered during the workshop so you can keep focused on the goals.
Three Month Check-in: Go over how implementation is going, current analytics, and questions.
Campaign Completion Check-in: Go over the entire campaign to see growth, what worked/what didn’t, and possible adjustments for the next campaign.
What is content marketing? The principal of content marketing is producing and sharing valuable content that is focused on educating and building trust as a knowledgeable resource. This attracts a solid core following of your targeted audience and ultimately converts them into loyal customers and drives sales. We’ll come on-site to help educate your staff on principals, come up with a strategy for your company on what topics to cover, and a path to implement it.
Increase Sales
Be an Industry Leader
Brand Recognition
- Business owners and management teams wanting help to collaborate a new style of marketing
- Marketing teams to organize topics and be able to implement a content marketing strategy schedule
- Businesses with little marketing in place to help get them going in an organized, concise manner
- Management wanting to learn how to identify growth opportunities and build a new pool of customers
- Education on the principals of content marketing
- Gain confidence in knowing what types of content to publish for your audience
- Know which platforms to publish your content through to effectively reach your audience
- Track your engagement and audience growth
- Tangible sales leads and conversions
Before the workshop we’ll go over some details about your business, goals of the workshop, and some details you’ll need to gather before your workshop.
Day of Workshop - Morning
- What is content marketing?
- How do other organizations utilize content marketing and what are their results?
- Current snapshot of business, current marketing efforts, and strengths/weaknesses.
- A quick look into what 5 competitors are doing.
- Identify targeted audience and what platforms they get their information on.
- Identify problems and pain points within the market, as well as what types are content exists and what holes are there that can be filled.
- Determine which platforms are going to be utilized.
- Spend the afternoon piecing together a content marketing strategy. This includes what topics of content you’re going to put together, a schedule of when, which staff will be participating, and what platforms pieces will be published across.
After the Workshop
You’ll receive an outline of what we covered during the workshop so you can keep focused on the goals.
Three Month Check-in: Go over how implementation is going, current analytics, and questions.
Six Month Check-in: Go over analytics, noticable trends, and how things are going and if any adjustments are reccomended.
Need help with something else you don’t already see a workshop about? Contact us and we’ll put one together specifically for you.