Exciting Announcement: Introducing Pexo Core!

Pexo Core: DCG's All-In-One Sales and Marketing Cloud Software

At Desert Creative Group, we’ve been listening to your feedback and working hard to deliver the best solutions for your business. Over the past year, our robust sales and marketing cloud software has brought success to many of our clients. However, we knew we could take it even further. Today, we’re thrilled to announce the evolution of our platform with a fresh, new name and logo: Pexo Core!

Say goodbye to juggling multiple software tools for your sales and marketing needs. Pexo Core consolidates everything into one powerful, cloud-based platform. With Pexo Core, you can effortlessly manage:

  • Your company-wide CRM
  • Email & SMS campaigns
  • Sales pipelines
  • Calendar bookings
  • Service and product transactions
  • Social media content planning and posting
  • Automated drip campaigns
  • Google reviews
  • And so much more!

All of these features are wrapped into an easy-to-use interface, designed to streamline your sales and marketing and boost your business growth.

Interested in learning more? Reach out to us and we’ll provide you with all the details.

Pexo Core

Powered by High Level. Backed and Supported by Desert Creative Group.