When we meet with new clients, one of the first topics that typically comes up is SEO. Search Engine Optimization is still a very hot marketing topic, but it’s not necessarily where a digital marketing strategy should begin. While SEO is certainly important to consider and address, it is vital to first assess if...
Continue readingBrand Guidelines: Why Your Business Needs a Personality
In today's competitive marketplace, having a strong brand personality is essential for your business's success....
Continue readingDoes Your Small Business Really NEED a CRM?
Curious about CRMs for your small business? Dive into our guide to uncover the truth, explore benefits, and discover Desert Creative Group's tailored CRM solution, Pexo Core....
Continue readingWhat’s the Difference Between Marketing Campaigns and Advertising Campaigns?
What’s the Difference Between Marketing Campaigns and Advertising Campaigns? Both marketing campaigns and advertising campaigns can be beneficial in helping you grow your brand, however, they are composed of different elements. Understanding the differences will help you know when to utilize the right one to maximize your desired results. Let’s look at the characteristics...
Continue readingWhat’s The Difference Between a Landing Page And Your Regular Website?
What’s The Difference Between a Landing Page And Your Regular Website? A landing page and a website are pretty much one in the same. However, they are used differently. A website usually consists of multiple pages that gives organization to your information and provides decently detailed facts about what you do, who you serve,...
Continue readingHow Can I Improve The Performance Of My Campaigns?
How can I improve the performance of my campaigns? For this question, we’re assuming that you’re talking about your overall marketing campaigns, instead of a specific platform’s ad campaign (like Google or Facebook). Though, the advice really would be mostly the same, minus some bid strategy and targeting advice. The success of a marketing...
Continue readingWhy Hire a Marketing Agency?
Why Hire a Marketing Agency? Marketing is an investment that can help a business grow and flourish by attracting new customers and retaining current ones, overall increasing profits. With marketing being more important now than ever before, sometimes it can feel difficult and overwhelming. A marketing agency can help you and your business with...
Continue readingWhat Is The Difference Between Micro Influencers And Other Influencers On Social Media?
Many marketers focus the conversation on Mega vs. Micro influencers, but the truth is it’s much more complicated. In actuality there is a spectrum of influencers that will vary in content, reach and relevance that business owners should scrutinize before spending money on this type of advertising. ...
Continue readingShould I Promote My Business On TikTok?
There are many platforms to choose from when it comes to marketing your business, but unless you have unlimited funds, it pays to focus your money on those with the highest probability for return. TikTok has an impressive 1 billion active users every month....
Continue readingLet’s Talk About Diversity And Inclusion
Many businesses of all sizes have started having conversations around the ideas of Diversity and Inclusion over the last several years. The trend toward creating a more diverse and representative culture inside of companies is a positive change for both company culture and a company’s bottom line....
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